Akashic Reading for Ancestor Lineage
Akashic Records Reading for clearing and healing ancestral lineages:
Do you have questions like:
Who are my ancestors?
What are the distinguishing traits of this particular ancestor line?
What is the divine intention of this line? What is the soul level purpose? What are its short term goals and long term goals?
How do these ancestors as a group move through time and space?
What are the privileges and responsibilities of this particular ancestral line?
What are my individual privileges and responsibilities of this particular ancestral line?
Which ancestral responsibilities have I taken on appropriately or inappropriately with this line and why?
How can I release the ancestral responsibilities that do not (and should not) belong to me?
Would you like to identify and clear unwanted Ancestral influence on the present?
Is there a limiting pattern, inherited from my ancestors?
Where did this limiting pattern begin? What was the original intent behind it? What happened?
Is there anyway this pattern is serving me and the highest probability of my ancestral line?
If this pattern no longer serves, what will it take for me to evolve beyond it?
Which of my parents’ ancestral line holds the key to my freedom from this limiting pattern?
Would you like to heal a difficult bond or tie?
What are my family member and I working on in this ancestral line?
What is the true nature of difficulty?
Why is it so difficult for me to accept this person as is?
What happened between us that keeps us in this tension?
What soul level learning am I striving for this situation?
How can I accept and make peace with this person so I can begin to heal the situation?
What is the highest probability of this relationship?