Love, Light, Creation

The Source separates itself into two: love and light. Love represents masculine consciousness and light represents feminine consciousness. Light contains all elemental particles. Love gives inertia to these elemental particles. Light and Love together creates everything ever existed and will ever exist. Everything has their atomic structure, made of elemental particles. Creation is a harmonic movements of light and love. Creation is a dance of masculine and feminine.

Mediate by thinking light when you are breathing in, and thinking love when you are breathing out. You breathe in elemental particles, by thing of light. Thinking of love create new cells in your body with these elemental particles which has just arrived. Breathe in light and breathe out love. With this way, you will create new cells in your body wherever needed to be.

Sending love and light from your heart to your loved ones, to anyone or to anything is blessing. It creates whatever needed to be created. Light and love have their own intelligence and consciousness. They know what to create precisely.

Love and light to you all.

Does it resonate with your true self?


When we face with new ideas, new concepts or new thoughts, we sometimes do not know what to think and how to react. Here is how to check ourselves. Every thought and every emotion create a response in our body. This response can be in two categories:

1)      Expanding,

2)      Contracting.

If it is expanding, you would feel ease in your body, some kind of balance. This means that idea or feeling resonates with your true self at that moment.

If we feel contraction, then the idea or feeling does not resonate with our true self. In this case, we need to dig further within yourself. Do I feel fear? Is this fear of rejection? Until we reach an “Aha..” moment, we need to keep digging deeper and deeper. We usually end up with the thought that “I feel unworthy” in some shape of form. At that moment, consider the following universal fact:

“I am worthy, as I exist. Anything that exist is worthy in the universe of existence. We are and everything is worthy. And anything does not exist and that is just does not exist. That is, it.”

Just feel that you are worthy, feel it in your body, feel the expansion within you. No need to fear anything. Just expand and grow.

We need to check this frequently, whenever we feel the need. Things change, as a matter of fact everything changes. Our soul path changes constantly. The key is not to assume but frequently check whether a thought or a feeling resonates with your true self or not. Just expand and grow.

Dr Ilknur Tulunay Dr Ilknur Tulunay

Pillar of Light and Divine Heart Triangle with your higher self

Pillar of Lights is a meditation for your protection. Before you go any spiritual journey, or astral travel.

Imagine a white light beam from your heart to the centre of Earth. Imagine a white light beam from your heart to the Divine Point. The Divine point is “God”, “Source”, “The One”, “All-That-Is”, “the centre of this Galaxy”, “the centre of this universe” or whatever you wish to consider. Then imagine this white light beam from the divine point to the centre of Earth via your heart chakra is getting enlarged. It becomes a cylindrical column which envelopes your whole-body system that consists of your physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies. The white light column consists of all 7 rays of light, and silver and golden rays. You feel and know that this is cleaning, cleansing and purifying.

Divine heart Triangle is a meditation which constructing love and light connections with your heart, your higher self and the divine point. Divine heart Triangle with your higher self constructs a communication channel with your higher self. Higher self communicates with you in many different ways:

-- a visualization

--a knowingness

--a feeling...

Recall the formula given by Bashar (channeled by Darryl Anka)

To be in a good communication with your higher self will help you to follow your highest excitement and to synchronize your life.

I prepared a guided meditation video for combining Pillar of Light and Divine Heart Triangle with your higher self mediations. This meditation contains energy signature of love and light. This energy cleans, clears and purifies. Recommend to use every morning and night at least, per day. This helps you to synchronize your life.

Or use if the above link fails.

Love, Light and blessings

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Dr Ilknur Tulunay Dr Ilknur Tulunay

Integrating dark with light and love

There is The One, there are various Oversouls and there are soul composites and individual spirits. In soul level, we are all lights. We have human experience to learn some lessons, to experience and/or to help harmonizing energies, bringing love and light during the transformation period of Earth. This is period of integration of positive and negative. This reality on Earth is based on duality. Duality means that everything exists together with its opposites, like positive versus negative, dark versus light, feminine and masculine. To move another dimension from 3D to 5D, we focus on the third point where duality consciousness disappears, and where everything exists as just being exist. Let’s call this third point “non-dual”. There linear thinking disappears. Every existence is valuable. So anybody who has done bad things on Earth does not have “lower” souls. Nothing is lower or higher. Your individual self may struggle with this perspective. This does not mean your individual self is not important. We are both individual souls and also The One.

Now this is the time for ascension to a higher dimension for Earth and everyone on Earth. Hence, we need to integrate dualities and move towards to this third point non-dual. In non-dual point, the concept of duality exists but harmonized.

The ascension process does not mean to create all positivity and refusing negativity, like covering your face with white paper. It is about accepting all darkness but not justifying it. Still, we tell the truth about what is right and what is wrong. Accepting darkness is to accept the pain, suffering, shame, guilt, fear, anger and all of those states. Meditate, bring that state of human painful experiences, accept all the emotions that comes out with that and then visualize love and light coming in to that state. Watch both of these energies are integrating and harmonizing. You can do similar mediation for your own energy field.

For guided meditation video, the link.

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Dr Ilknur Tulunay Dr Ilknur Tulunay

Linear versus non-linear thinking

One of the biggest challenge in evolution of mind and in ascension process of soul is to move from thinking linearly to nonlinearly way.

For example, linearity can be visualized as a line on a plane. Consider any line with a slope different from zero. That is any line not parallel to x-axis. Every point on that line is in the position of higher or lower of another point of the line. If the line has slope 0, then it is just a constant and parallel to x-axis. In that case, every point on the line is either comes before or after another point of that line. Line is a linear object. Any curve is a non-linear object. Not every point on a curve is compatible one to another. We may not label them as higher or lower, for example a parabola have points with same height and so neither higher or lower each other. Planes are linear objects. Sphere is not linear. Any curved space is non-linear. Linearity is more simple to understand and work with. To expand our mind, to understand further we (mathematicians) want to study non-linearity. Sometimes, mathematicians project non-linear objects (manifolds) to linear objects (planes). That helps us to figure out some aspects of the non-linear object. While linear object are simple, non-linear objects are complicated. Understanding non-linear objects are great challenge in mathematics. Getting the ability of non-linear thinking is a great challenge for everyone. Up to now, all I was doing is trying to convince you that thinking non-linearly is an expansion and an improvement of linear thinking.

We are used to think everything linearly. We tend to compare one to another. We subconsciously assume that linear relationships between objects, skills, people exist. This assumption may not be correct in general. In one hand, thinking linearly help us to comprehend what is happening around us in 3 dimensional space. But we need to aware that we may not have linear relationship in everything. For example, comparing yourself to your friend is a linear thinking. To understand that you are a unique individual with a unique set of skills and abilities, and with a unique set of experiences, accumulated from this and previous lives is a non-linear thinking. Another common case is related to our belief systems. Linear mind thinks that his/her own believes are better than the others. Non-linear thinker knows that one belief system is not compatible with the other. one is not better or worse than the other. Now it is getting clear that non-linear thinking is expansion of linear thinking. Being a non-linear thinker improves our lives. We learn to tolerate other’s believes and their differences. After all, one need not to be better or worse than the other. Not everything is bad or good. It is our expectation that one is better or worse that the other. Linear thinking is a primitive thinking method. It is easy for our minds to label or categorize objects and people. The challenge is to understand every different person with their own differences, rather than quickly labelling them or putting them into some category that we created. Understanding people and their ideas in their own right requires great effort and time.

Even though what I am saying seems so logical to you, practicing this in real life circumstances is not an easy task. This expansion from linear to non-linear thinking takes time. Your ego will struggle with you and does not want to let go off the linear perspective. The issue is not getting rid of linear thinking. Linear thinking has its own place. Sometimes it is necessary to think or view linearly. In mathematics, sometimes we deal with non-linear systems and we try to deduce the system to some combinations of linear systems so that we can do some calculations. So I am not trying to say that linearity is bad or not wanted. I suggest to expand our thinking abilities from linear to non-linear. That lead us to extend, evolve and grow our souls.

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