Integrating dark with light and love
There is The One, there are various Oversouls and there are soul composites and individual spirits. In soul level, we are all lights. We have human experience to learn some lessons, to experience and/or to help harmonizing energies, bringing love and light during the transformation period of Earth. This is period of integration of positive and negative. This reality on Earth is based on duality. Duality means that everything exists together with its opposites, like positive versus negative, dark versus light, feminine and masculine. To move another dimension from 3D to 5D, we focus on the third point where duality consciousness disappears, and where everything exists as just being exist. Let’s call this third point “non-dual”. There linear thinking disappears. Every existence is valuable. So anybody who has done bad things on Earth does not have “lower” souls. Nothing is lower or higher. Your individual self may struggle with this perspective. This does not mean your individual self is not important. We are both individual souls and also The One.
Now this is the time for ascension to a higher dimension for Earth and everyone on Earth. Hence, we need to integrate dualities and move towards to this third point non-dual. In non-dual point, the concept of duality exists but harmonized.
The ascension process does not mean to create all positivity and refusing negativity, like covering your face with white paper. It is about accepting all darkness but not justifying it. Still, we tell the truth about what is right and what is wrong. Accepting darkness is to accept the pain, suffering, shame, guilt, fear, anger and all of those states. Meditate, bring that state of human painful experiences, accept all the emotions that comes out with that and then visualize love and light coming in to that state. Watch both of these energies are integrating and harmonizing. You can do similar mediation for your own energy field.
For guided meditation video, the link.