Information on Galactic Akashic Record Reading (GARR) session with me:

I would like to explain the procedure that I will perform during the session. We start with a protection meditation which I will guide step by step. We will construct a column of white/divine light which connects our heart with the center of our galaxy and the center of Earth. This is for my protection and your own protection. The starting point of any spiritual journey should be the protection meditation. Then we will continue the meditation and construct Divine Heart Triangle which is a white/divine light bridge between my heart and your heart and the divine point. This creates an energetic field where we will do the reading. We will clear and increase the vibrations in that energetic field. Then I will open your Akashic Records and take you there with me. So, you will be in a meditative state. As far as I understand, the best intention/ request from your higher guides and your higher self (Masters, Teachers, and the loved ones) in Akashic Record is to ask whatever you need to know and whatever you need to understand at the time being.  You can ask any questions. I check and ask whether you have any questions or anything to say to your guides during the session from time to time. The information that you need will be given. You receive healing.

Linda Howe defines “Akashic records are a dimensions of consciousness that contains vibrational record of every soul and its journey.” in her book “How to read the Akashic Records

On Galactic History:


—Book “Prism of Lyra: An exploration of human Galactic heritage” by Keith Priest and Lyssa Royal, (2011).

—Book "The Golden Lake:  Wisdom from the Stars for Life on Earth" by Lyssa Royal Holt (2019).

Debbie Solaris work, her YouTube Channel