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11:11 Gate energetic transformation

  • Rainbow Ray Healing Sydney, NSW, Australia (map)

You will be guided into Akashic Field (quantum field). You will be able to experience the energy in the field.

The purpose is to transmit the Divine Energy to the center of Earth by using our existence on Earth and creating a vortex acting as an antenna to bring the Source energy to the Earth. While performing this transformation, our whole system (our physical, emotional, mental and etheric bodies) receive the source energy, just right amount. This transformation is independent of time and space. Anyone who wishes to participate from any time any space can participate and will be connected with the network of other participant hearts.

The outline of this transformation is as follows:

1) creating Pillar of light for protection of each of us in this transformation,

2) creating the Divine Heart Triangle with you, your higher-self and the Divine point where the Divine point represents "God", "All That Is", "the One", "the core of the galaxy", "the zero point singularity" whatever you wish to call.

3) Then we all enter the Akashic Field (Quantum Field or the Field) together

4) We create a network by connection our heart chakras via a white light bridges,

5) Envelope this network with a huge white light sphere in the Akashic field.

6) We create two cones with this sphere as their base. The Divine Point is the apex of one cone. The apex point of the another cone is the center of Earth. This geometric structure is made of light.

7) The Source energy flows from the divine point to each of the network points (hearts of each participants) and then flows to the center of Earth. Receiving love, light, blessings, healings and purifying our energies and the Earth energies.

In the end we release the geometric structure and removing all connections.

A guided mediation 11:11 Gate energetic transformation as a group event for Earth transformation

11 January

Co-creating 5D New Earth-Visualization 5D living at the Quantum (Akashic) Field-11012025 Event